coming up

Tanz Heilbronn deciphered

scroll down to find out more

Coming up

these dates are coming up next. Hope to meet you there!

deciphered @ Tanz Heilbronn

On the 17th of May we’ll be performing deciphered in Tanz Heilbronn. We’re looking forward to share the evening with colleagues from all over Baden-Württemberg.

more about the event

connect in EinTanzHaus

connect! will be back in EinTanzHaus.
Check the EinTanzHaus Website for more info

15. + 16.3.2024

connect @ EinTanzHaus

m-power urban

Together with DJ Vunky Lao and Anna Müller we started a program for urban dancers that want to get insights into the world of contemporary choreography.

Follow our Insta for more!

mpower urban on Insta


Get in touch with me.

Please send me a message for questions about my works or to find ways of collaboration.

+49 179 795 2005